Sunday, February 20, 2011

Honk, Honk!

I find it so fascinating that a certain sound or smell can trigger a memory that is so incredibly vivid in your mind. This happened to me the other day. As I was walking through the streets of downtown Phoenix in between classes, I heard a honk from a car. Why might that trigger a memory? Well, about one year ago, I visited Cairo, Egypt. If you've ever been, or have heard from anyone that has, you'll know that the streets are jam packed with cars. Literally, there is about two inches between each car on the road. And with a traffic jam comes continuous honking. I don't think I ever experienced a moment of silence more than three seconds long. Just when I thought Cairo just might've been still for a moment, BAM there was a honk. And then ten more. It was kind of hard not to go a bit crazy. But while in Egypt, my trip leader encouraged us, that every time we heard a honk while we were back home, we'd be reminded to pray for Egypt. So, while walking through the, mostly, calm streets of Phoenix, I heard the honk and was immediately brought back to Cairo. It put a smile on my face for a minute, but then it caused my heart and spirit to travel to Egypt and pray for the nation. To pray for peace during the upheaval that's happening now. To pray for the Egyptian Christians who face persecution. And to pray for peace amidst the crazy traffic jams and honking. I can imagine how stressful it can be to live in that kind of environment every day. For a glimpse, watch the video below.

Warning: If you watch this video for more than 10 seconds, you might go crazy.
Note the people crossing the street. Remind you of the game Frogger?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Be The Solution

I co-lead a small group of 9th grade girls at church and this past Wednesday, we talked about the issue of how the majority of the world lacks clean water. Jared put out the challenge asking the students, "How will YOU be the solution?" Before entering into our small group time, we sang the song Solution by Hillsong United, which states:

It is not a human right
To stare not fight while broken nations dream
Open up our eyes, so blind
That we might find the mercy for the need

Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession

It is not too far a cry
Too much to try to help the least of these
Politics will not decide if we should rise
And be your hands and feet

Hey now
Fill our hearts with your compassion
Hey now
As we hold to our confession

God, be the solution
We will be your hands and be your feet

In our small groups, we discussed creative ways in which we can help people across the world gain clean water, something we here in America take for granted every day. It was amazing to see the response from the girls. With excitement, they started listing off various things, such as a youth group dance party to raise money, make t-shirts to raise awareness, and even a benefit concert featuring different musicians within our youth group to invite their friends to. It is inspiring to see those younger than me get pumped up about helping people in need. If we just put our hearts and minds together, we can come up with incredibly creative ways to make a change.

Our Wednesday night series right now is called ICare and each week we've talked about different ways we can care for the people that God wants us to love and impact. As the subject of homelessness and poverty comes up, I'm continually seeing the girls' hearts become filled with compassion to do something. We've decided as a group that we would like to dedicate each month to helping a different people group in need. We are beginning now, in February, with homelessness, then will continue next month with visiting the elderly, and so on. How can you be the solution?